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An Independent Charity

Funds raised are spent on the Fabric of the church and its churchyard

The Trustees have decided that, after twenty two years, the Trust no longer needs a permanent office base. Working practices have changed considerably in the last few years and “working from home” has become customary for many businesses and practices. We have been very kindly offered a postal address by our accountants, so please send any correspondence to:

All Saints Preservation Trust
c/o 30 High Street
Leighton Buzzard

Our website and email addresses - [email protected] - remain the same.

This does not mean that the Trust is taking a step back. All Saints does and always will continue to need repairs requiring the Trust’s financial  support. So please continue to help us in any way that you can by supporting our fundraising endeavours or by setting up a regular donation. Let us together help keep All Saints looking as wonderful as it does today.

Thank you

Stephen Edwards
Chair, All Saints Preservation Trust

Are you Making a Will?

Please make space in your will for a legacy to the Trust. We will use your money well in the preservation of All Saints. It is tax efficient too.